Tag: love

The most exciting news

So a little while ago we got approached by AUS BRB to let us know that we had been chosen as one Australia’s Best Businesses for 2024. AUS BRB is the Australian Business Review Board. Businesses are nominated based on innovation (certainly not us),… Continue Reading “The most exciting news”

My Morning Appreciation Session

Grounding is the best gift we can give to ourself. It gives us a calmness and energy that helps us to see the beauty in all things great and small. It enables us to have the energy to forge ahead in ways we never thought possible. It helps us to have a grateful heart.

Merry Christmas

Christmas is my favourite time of the year. Why?? Because it is all about how it makes me feel, how it makes those around me act. For me, it’s all about giving all I can offer.
Share kindness & love freely. These things are always in abundant supply, providing we are happy to give them freely each and every day.So from my heart to yours,
and from my home to yours.
I wish you a very very Merry Christmas.

Comfrey the near “Cure All”

I have to say that as I get older, I have less faith in my local GP to give me solutions to my ailments. I am not happy these days to just pop another pill or two. I am becoming increasingly aware of what… Continue Reading “Comfrey the near “Cure All””

Life is too short

Just a reminder that no day is ever promised to us. There are no guarantees that we will get another tomorrow. Unfortunately, we are all very aware of this. Yet, we seem to forget or dismiss it as we go about living our lives.… Continue Reading “Life is too short”

Our peaceful zone

I hope that every single person has a special place to escape to whenever they need to. A place that fills your heart with peace, joy and hope. A place where you can recharge and re-energize. So that you can soldier on, to another day with a heart filled with positivity & hope.

No Place In The World……Like This

I sit here today, trying to decide what to talk about with you…….then I glance out the window and bang! I am lost in the wonders of nature. The natural beauty of the Australian bush that surrounds me, well, it just blows me away.… Continue Reading “No Place In The World……Like This”

how do i live a happy life?

I often wonder why some people are happy with a simple life yet others find negatives in everyday. I find this such a sad way to live. Because, a lot of those negative things that upset us, are usually out of our control. We… Continue Reading “how do i live a happy life?”

the power of our words

So today I got a message from Gary, a new customer to let me know that he got his order in time and that he was very happy with the Comfrey Ointment he had ordered. He is 63, a paramedic and still going strong.… Continue Reading “the power of our words”