Comfrey…everything you need to know

Comfrey is the super hero of the herb world. On this page you’ll find out all about Comfrey, when to use it, why and how we use it, as well as who shouldn’t use it. We’ll be answering some of the most FAQ and giving you a little of its history as well.

Comfrey – The super hero of the herb world
Comfrey Oil- a vegan friendly option
Comfrey Ointment- natural pain relief
Comfrey – In fresh & dried form
Proudly 100% Aussie grown, made & owned
From garden to end products.
Comfrey Ointment in the garden.

Also known as knit bone, due to its ability to heal broken bones faster. Comfrey is an excellent pain reliever. Our own research shows that Comfrey has been used with excellent results for the following. The list below is in no way a complete list of this wonder herbs abilities. We have listed the most common problems that we have come across to date.

·  Upper & lower back pain

·  Muscle strain & sprains

·  Headaches & migraines

·  Bruises, cuts, scratches, grazes

·  Strains, sprains, bites, stings

·  Joint pain, scar pain

·  Post op pain, gout

·  Arthritis, osteoarthritis

·  Acne, pimples, warts

·  Burns

·  Speeding up wound healing: use once it has been thoroughly cleaned & no signs of infection exist

·  Broken bones: to be used only after bones have been correctly set in place.

How to Use:

At naturallyorganic67 we prepare our organically grown comfrey into preparations to make using it safe and easy. We make ointments and oils. Just simply rub the preparation into the affected area as often as required. You will usually notice the healing effects within minutes of applying. Typically within 5-10 minutes you will feel that your pain has dramatically reduced or perhaps even gone. If you do not feel any change then perhaps our comfrey will not work for the injury/condition that you are using if for. Message us prior to purchase if you need to have any questions answered.

How does it work?

When applied topically(on the skin) it works hard to heal. It begins at the skin then works through to the muscle and then on to the bone. So applying on your skin at the site of the pain will work to heal your pain where ever it is.

When shouldn’t I use Comfrey?

You definitely should not use comfrey in any form if you are:

·  Pregnant

·  Breast feeding

·  Children under 5

·  If you suffer from any liver complaints.

If any of these apply to you we strongly recommend that you see your Doctor for advice prior to using our comfrey range.

Comfrey naturally contains allantoin, rosmarinic acid and pyrrolizidine alkaloids, also called PA. What are they???What do they do???? Keep reading to find out

Allantoin stimulates cell growth/repair, cell proliferation occurs in both roots and leaves. Wounds heal faster because cells regenerate faster. It is often used in skin care products. Allantoin is also found in the placenta of pregnant women and animals, and later in their milk. It helps babies grow.

Rosmarinic Acid helps to relieve pain and inflammation.

Pyrrolizidine Alkaloids can be toxic if used internally in large doses for a long time. Some studies suggest a need to ingest massive quantities on a daily basis for you to feel any of the negative affects of the PA. None of our comfrey range is meant for internal use. The roots of the plant contain the highest levels of PA. For this reason naturallyorganic67 does not use the roots in any of their products.

My husband and I regularly chew a fresh leaf from the comfrey patch in the mornings. So far we have not had any ill effects from our morning routine. In fact it has helped to reduce his morning asthmatic bouts of coughing.

However, I must advise that you do not consume comfrey internally for any reason. It is law that I must advise you of these risks and to not suggest that you should take Comfrey internally.

A fresh harvest


Comfrey has been used for its healing benefits for over 2000 years. In fact it has been cultivated as a medicinal plant since 400BC. The word Comfrey comes from the latin word for “grow together”.

The Greeks and Romans commonly used comfrey to stop heavy bleeding, treat breathing problems and also to heal wounds and broken bones. They would make up poultices which were used for external wounds and often a tea was consumed for internal ailments. Comfrey has also been reported to promote healthy skin and that it moisturizes and soothes as well as promoting cell proliferation. Comfrey is also incredibly effective at stopping bleeding and reducing the pain as well as speedy wound healing.